As the weather turns warmer here in the Portland Metro area, we hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine and getting to play outside with your children! Unfortunately, injuries, bumps and bruises are a part of childhood. Thankfully most are minor. When it comes to safety for your children, you already know the basics: buckle up, wear a helmet, learn to swim and look both ways when crossing the street. Read our tips below to prevent more significant injuries, both indoors and outdoors!
Every day, over 300 children ages 0 to 19 are treated in emergency rooms for burn-related injuries. There are several things we can do to make our homes safer and prevent these injuries. Install and maintain smoke alarms in your home, on each floor of the home and near the rooms that everyone sleeps in. Test your alarms monthly and use long life batteries. Involve your kids in planning an escape plan in case there is a fire and establish a safe meeting place.
Be sure to never leave food unattended while cooking in the oven or on the stove. Always supervise children when they are near or using the stove, oven or even the microwave.
Set your water heater at 120 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. This will protect infants and young children who aren’t able to get out of water that is too warm. Always test the water before your child does.
It’s not just chemicals in your home that can be dangerous to children. Everyday items, such as household cleaners and medicines can be poisonous to children as well. Children often investigate and try to eat or drink anything they can get a hold of.
To help prevent poisonings, it is important to keep medicines and toxic products in their original packages and out of children’s reach. Safely dispose of any unused or expired medications by mixing them with coffee grounds or kitty litter before throwing them away. Before giving children any medication, be sure to read the label carefully and follow instructions from their medical provider.
It is important that everyone has memorized the number for the poison control center. Post it near your home phone and save it in your cell phone: 800.222.1222. Call them immediately if your child has ingested something and is awake and alert. If they are unconscious or not breathing, call 9-1-1 right away.
When your children are in or near water (including the bath tub), the best way to prevent drowning is close supervision of children (within an arm’s length). Everyone should know the basics of swimming and CPR.
Be sure swimming pools are surrounded on all sides with a fence that has a self-closing gate and a self-closing latch that is out of reach of children.
Life jackets should always be worn in and around oceans, lakes, and rivers. Under Oregon Law, children 12 or younger are required to wear a US Coast Guard approved life jacket while a boat is underway. We recommend that children wear life jackets on the dock as well.
Road Safety
Ensure your children are in the correct car seat for their age and weight. Read more about the updated car and booster seat guidelines on our blog:
Once kids are older, be sure they always wear a seat belt. Be a good example and always wear your seat belt as well.
Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for teens in the US. Talk to your teen about the 8 danger zones of driving; driver inexperience, driving with other teen passengers, nighttime driving, seat belt use, distracted driving, drowsy driving, reckless driving and impaired driving. Find out more about what parents can do on the CDC website:
Stay safe on the roads even as a pedestrian. Whenever possible, cross the street at a designated crosswalk or intersection. Carry a flashlight at night and wear reflective clothing.
Kids will inevitably fall, but we want to minimize risk of falls causing serious injuries. At home this can be done by installing gates and railings near stairs and guards on windows. Supervision is key. Make sure to watch your children whether you’re at home or out to play.
Sports Safety
When kids play sports, make sure they use the correct gear that fits them well and is in good condition for whatever sport they are playing. Be sure that their school’s program and coaches are teaching athletes proper technique and have a plan in place for any injuries, especially concussions.
For sports that require helmets, make sure the helmet fits properly, is well maintained, age appropriate, worn consistently and is appropriately certified. The CDC has a free HEADS UP Concussion and Helmet Safety app that will help you learn how to spot a possible concussion and what to do if you think your child has a concussion.
Since many sports are played outside, it is especially important to monitor children for heat related illnesses. Be sure they drink plenty of water and are wearing the appropriate clothes for the climate.
Playground Safety
Playgrounds are a very fun place for children! Be sure playgrounds have soft material underneath such as sand, wood chips or mulch. Make sure your child is only using equipment that is correct for their age. Be sure the playground equipment is in good condition, is not rusting or broken and there are guardrails to prevent falls. Lastly, be sure the ground is free of tree stumps, rocks, branches and other things your child could trip or fall on.
Bicycle Safety
Kids should always wear safety gear when they are on anything with wheels. This includes always wearing a helmet. Wrist guards, elbow guards and knee pads are also important.
This blog is not a substitute for medical advice. Be sure to talk to your child’s medical provider with any questions.